
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Keeping it Local: June Fun in the Neighborhood

Why get in the car during the summer unless you're lucky enough to be going on a road trip...and I love a good road trip but backyard and neighborhood activities are so relaxing and fulfulling during the summer.

Owen got a bike for his birthday and he wants to go biking all of the time now. Excellent.  He was always asking his dad to go biking through the university, across the street, and at first I didn't get it.  Until I recently went with them.  A kid's dream.  There are pathways and circles and little boardwalks and roundabouts and it's quiet so you have the place practically to yourself.

So we hopped on bikes, sailed through the campus with Emma as our leader and aimed our bikes in the direction of the Ranison.  Which brings me to our next neighborhood destination.

Ranison Ice Cream has been operating since 1933.  It was first opened by Bob and Helen McVey who operated the store for over 20 years as the Super Ice Cream Store.  Bruce Ranis who worked at the ice cream shop all through high school, purchased the store in 1959 and later renamed it Ranison.  Though the store was bought in 1998, by a UW-La Crosse graduate, the Ranison it remains, in name and spirit.  Chocolate malt ice cream...that's all I'm saying.  

The ice cream is my preferred choice but the candy and chocolate are really tempting.  A sweet tooth's dream.

and it's in the neighborhood.

and the kiddo's favorite summertime activity thus far has been air soft guns.
this photo is some odd combination of awesome and disturbing.  I guess my brother played with plastic guns (definitely army guys) when we were young.  But look at these things.  Anyway, they love them and run around outside for hours.

Bike rides, ice cream and backyard play...every kid should be so lucky.  I'm glad they get to have real childhoods in a nice neighborhood...even if the college kids are too loud.  Ah, you can't have everything.

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